Friday, May 7, 2010

Her Birthday

Today is Her birthday...
I'm so happy coz its her birthday....
Although we cannot celebrate it together coz you have to be the nanny of ur niece...
(hahaha..padan muke...)
But no worry sayang...for me...
No matter how far you go or how close you stand by my side...
You are my number one girl locked in my heart...
This is my special berthday present for you...huhu...

And I hope that on the next few hundred years...
i still can wish you happy berthday...
but only at that time...
i already be your husband n maybe we already be a good grandparents...muahaha

Happy Birthday Cik Anis Masiran...

I love You~

*but still, i xpuas ati ngan makcik payung yg wish you dulu! hmmph~


  1. Hehe~ Bday Cik Anis ni sama dengan bday Zakuan eh~

    Happy Birthday! ^_^

  2. thank you so much dear.. im err..speechless!! haha..n i love your optimism!! fighting!! :)

    tonnes of ♥ ;

  3. boleh bayang anis senyum macam mana hahahaha :D

  4. ok, ade missing "you" kat situ...hahaha

    luna: yup same, jom mintak zakuan blanje...
    lisa: hahahaha..xtau...
    anis: my optimism? hmmm

  5. kah3 cmane la leh jd yg 2nd ni....patot ko ambik yg last
